"An Appeal to Reason"
A friend from a while back wrote this. Please take the time to read. Thanks Justin, hope you don't mind!
An appeal to reason
My fellow Americans, I will never be your president. Those of you that
know me never even allowed that hilarious thought to enter your mind.
Forget all those biased reasons. Here's a list of other reasons.
I will never be your president. I'm willing to admit I'm not perfect.
I'm from Massachusetts and I live in New York. That takes care of the
southern vote. I changed my name from Weinstein to Stokes, not to
dishonor my father who I love, but to honor my mother's parents who I
had a stronger relationship with. I have nothing but respect for the
Jewish people but I've probably lost their vote for that. I'm pro choice
and for gay equality. The Moral Majority's gone now. I think the
financial sector has proven time and time again that regulation is
necessary. I think the unions need to remember why they formed in the
first place. I will not be president because when I'm done talking I
don't think anyone would vote for me.
I make too much money
to afford subsidized housing, health care and food stamps. I also make
too little to pay for everything on my own. I have been on
unemployement once. It is a miserable and degrading process that no one
should believe is a willing choice for anyone.
I do not ask
my government for a safety net. I do not ask of others to pick up after
my mistakes, missteps and failures. I am where I am today through luck,
the family I was born into and a tiny amount of courage and
determination. I have a lovely wife and I have a job I love. But there
is a problem. A problem that I share with millions of Americans. It is
not enough. I barely pay my rent, utility and food bills. Nevermind
paying for a campaign. That's a pipe dream or more likely the liberal
SuperPac "Americans for President"
I have chosen not to run in
2020 for a multitude of reason, not the least of which includes a need
to raise more funds than 8 years could produce. Plus, everyone hates a
long campaign. Most importantly I suppose, is the fact that I am not
eligible to become president until September 2020 so I'd be, 35 and 1
month, and therefore, far too relatable to the generation that will
actually matter most at the time.
This country is being shaped
by policy makers who could fight in wars before I was born. The
Internet was something that at one point didn't exist for them. Hippies
were actually a threat to them. What this country needs is a president
who understands the future of our country, not the past.
opinions are based on a morality higher than that of any god. My
morality, my ethics come from Man. We are the single greatest species on
the planet because we have choice. We have compassion. I believe with
my whole heart that America can only survive if we rebuild the bonds
we've broken over our shared hardship. We are all to blame for this.
Some want to spend our way through the storm. Others want to run from
debts we already owe.
I'm from the Boston area. Trust me, "no
taxation without representation" is a phrase I know well. I do not
think our government has done well by this statement in recent times. I
am not against taxes. I just want to see where our money goes and if it
goes at all. And I want to see everyone paying them. We need roads.
We need schools. We need hospitals. We need firefighters, police and
emergency response teams. We don't need subsidies to oil. We don't need
blank checks to global banking firms.
Big business claims we
need less regulation. We are losing jobs to India and China. Do we want
to compete by taking away workers rights. Indian and Chinese workers
have longer hours for considerably less pay and no security or benefits
in many cases. Is that really the deregulation you want? Why not impose
a morality. We don't allow business with Iran because they are
considered a threat to America and our allies. Why are companies who
support unsafe working conditions also considered a threat?
Unions are also to blame. They need to learn of shared sacrifice as
well. Unions were created to protect workers, not make it impossible to
make a profit. Don't be corrupt and then wonder why CEOs hate you.
Even as we bicker at home we police the world through fear and with a
sense of entitlement. We should lead by example. Lead with tolerance.
We must SHOW, not tell, why America is so incredible. And we must not
beat others until they believe it. We should participate in our own
democracy. Help, not hurt, our neighbors, next door, in the next town,
state and country. Prove to the world why we deserve a place in history
as the defining nation of modern times rather than a fleeting
superpower in a game Risk.
The promise of the United States of
america was one of hope and freedom from oppression. A place to be
proud of. A country for everyone to call home. We have lost sight of
that ideal. I am not here to attack the rich. Anyone who earns their
money honestly through hard work is a true American. Nor am I here to
destroy the middle class or condemn the poor. We are not black or
white, Hispanic or Asian, rich or poor, blue or red. We are American.
Its time we remembered what the stars and stripes truly stand for. It's
a badge to be worn with honor and pride by everyone.
I will
never be president so don't use me as a write-in candidate two elections
from now. That IS throwing your vote away. What you must do, is
remember what this country is all about. Think beyond tomorrow. Think
beyond 4 years. Plant a tree whose shade you will never sit under but
whose structure will protect and serve the descendants of what could be
the greatest free and peaceful nation to ever exist.
For too
long, tiny arguments have ripped our nation apart. Until compromise is
lauded as triumph rather than failure, we will continue a downward
spiral away from greatness. Divided we stand, but united we will fall.
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