Friday, February 10, 2012

i'm a dumbass

I got locked out of my friends apartment. I consider scaling the wall and dropping on the other side to get in the back patio.

I then look at my feet, accept I am wearing flip flops and that can only end poorly. so i head into the hallway to sit, read and wait. I start getting cold. I try to scale said wall. fail miserably. (no upper body strength!)

return to hallway.

make friends with neighbors.

neighbor offers chair to assist me over wall.

so my dumbass decided to scale the wall. upon reaching the top of the wall, I realized this was going to end poorly. mostly due to the lack of landing areas. but I was now in front of someone and still really cold so I throw those concerns of lack of landing areas and shoes out the window and jump.

fail. walk inside, realize I'm bleeding rather steadily but still refuse to acknowledge my severe lack in judgement. although once I sit down and realize I have to clean out my "wound," I start swearing rather profusely, and mostly at myself.

now I'm worried I wont be able to go to the beach (that stuff called sand) or really be able to walk anywhere!! at least I was able to explore Hollywood boulevard and the observatory today...posts to follow::exit music::

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