Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Backkk


This is fantastic. I now have the freedom to post whenever I want:) And speaking of posts....

Recently I've been having a couple doubts about moving. I'm pretty sure there are a couple reasons ranging from 'oh that makes sense' to 'this bitch is crazy' in the rationality department.

For starters, I realized that although I've moved around alot, I've never done it on my own before! Seems kinda obvious now that I've realized it. Oh well, I have a feeling I will be feeling a lot more ridiculous in the near future.

Another dawn of realization was that I have  a rather annoying ability to never lose hope, even in irrational situations, and an annoying ability to believe anything can happen (good or bad!) Together these "annoying abilities" make for not only an irrational fear of water I can't see the bottom of, but also create a skittishness about leaving Boston so abruptly. The worst part is rationally I know this is silly and that the guy I'm developing a crush on most likely won't ask me out, that that dream job won't be offered to me magically, and that an alligator/shark has not moved into the lake. For whatever reason, I still get all nervous and excited about these situations. This one I just gotta suck it up and deal with.

On the positive side, now every time I see a movie in theatres I get excited because I kinda want my name scrolling at the end at some point! Gotta make this happen.

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